M. N. Naik, S. P. Sharma, B. J. Sethi, B. S. Dubey and S. K. Patra. 2011. Findings on water resources of the Kathmandu valley, Nepal, based on a GIS-based analysis using the NDVI and water balance. 2002, pp. 18–23.
M. N. Naik, S. P. Sharma, B. J. Sethi, B. S. Dubey and S. K. Patra. 2011. Findings on water resources of the Kathmandu valley, Nepal, based on a GIS-based analysis using the NDVI and water balance. 2002, pp. 18–23.
Category:GIS-based geo-spatial analysis
Category:Sustainable urban planning
Category:Urban planning in Nepal
Category:City management in Nepal
Category:Education in Nepal
Category:Geographic information systems
Category:Geography of NepalA Single-Dose Pharmacokinetic and Clinical Comparison of Goserelin and Depot Lupron in Men with Prostate Cancer.
Goserelin is a superagonist analog of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) that is currently used in the United States and Europe as an endocrine treatment of prostate cancer. Lupron (3.75 mg intramuscular injection) is currently the most commonly used LHRH analog in the United States. We compared the pharmacokinetics and effects of a single 3.75-mg intramuscular injection of goserelin with the effects of depot lupron in men with prostate cancer. Seventeen men with prostate cancer received a single 3.75-mg intramuscular injection of goserelin or depot lupron. Blood samples were obtained on days 0 (baseline) and 1 for measurement of serum testosterone and estradiol. Men were contacted by phone after 7 days for assessment of urinary symptoms, sexual symptoms, and overall satisfaction. Serum testosterone levels declined similarly in both groups after injection, with decreases of approximately 50% from baseline. Changes in estradiol were similar for the 2 treatments. All men reported a decrease in urinary symptoms ac619d1d87
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